نوع مقاله : علمی- ترویجی
دکتری حقوق کیفری و جرم شناسی؛ مدرس و مدیر گروه حقوق خانواده در مقطع کارشناسی ارشد دانشگاه امام صادق ع و معاون قضایی دادستان تهران
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسنده [English]
The relationships of children with their parents and other relatives are of fundamental importance in children’s emotional growth. They also profoundly affect their moral and physical growth as well as their upbringing and education.
In international documents, spending time with relatives and cultivating such relationships is considered a basic right of children. Iranian law also contains numerous provisions aimed at protecting parent-child relationships as well as the rights of both parents and children, especially regarding issues of child custody and access, and supports these relationships and rights with a system of penalties. However, as a result of ambiguities and legal loopholes, the judiciary system is confronted with practical problems.
This paper surveys the above mentioned problems and demonstrates that the law relating to the relationship between children and their close relatives is in need of modification. These changes encompass the following: effecting an change in the essential nature of the relationship between a parent and a child and to view as “duty” of a parent the right s/he has to that relationship; extending relationships not only with parents but also with other relatives; raising of the age that is seen by legislators as requiring support; taking into consideration the child’s wishes in respect to access (to other relatives); the provision of specialist counseling support along with the enforcement of family court verdict. The proposed changes are intended as prevention against the adverse effects of forceful access and, ultimately, child abuse, and as guarantee of retribution [in cases of abuse].
The relationships of children with their parents and other relatives are of fundamental importance in children’s emotional growth. They also profoundly affect their moral and physical growth as well as their upbringing and education.
In international documents, spending time with relatives and cultivating such relationships is considered a basic right of children. Iranian law also contains numerous provisions aimed at protecting parent-child relationships as well as the rights of both parents and children, especially regarding issues of child custody and access, and supports these relationships and rights with a system of penalties. However, as a result of ambiguities and legal loopholes, the judiciary system is confronted with practical problems.
This paper surveys the above mentioned problems and demonstrates that the law relating to the relationship between children and their close relatives is in need of modification. These changes encompass the following: effecting an change in the essential nature of the relationship between a parent and a child and to view as “duty” of a parent the right s/he has to that relationship; extending relationships not only with parents but also with other relatives; raising of the age that is seen by legislators as requiring support; taking into consideration the child’s wishes in respect to access (to other relatives); the provision of specialist counseling support along with the enforcement of family court verdict. The proposed changes are intended as prevention against the adverse effects of forceful access and, ultimately, child abuse, and as guarantee of retribution [in cases of abuse].
کلیدواژهها [English]
عنوان مقاله [العربیة]
حق الطفل فی الإقامة عند الوالدین و الأهل
چکیده [العربیة]من إحدى الطرق الناجعة فی انجاح نمو عاطفة الطفل و المؤثرة فی رشده أخلاقیا و تربویا وجسمیا ایضا، هی نوع علاقة الطفل بوالدیه و اقاربه و التی تتجلی فی الإقامة معهم و ملاقاتهم باستمرار.
وتؤکد الوثائق و المستندات الدولیة الخاصة بالأطفال بأن مکوثهم مع ذویهم یعتبر من الحقوق المسلم بها لهم، کما ان القوانین الإیرانیة الخاصة بحضانة الطفل و لقائه مع والدیه تنص على هذه الحقوق اجمالا، و قد وضعت ضمانات جزائیة لتطبیق البعض منها.
و على هذه الحال فإن الغموض الذی یلف بعض أجزاء هذه القوانین و الفراغ یطول بعضه الاخر أحدث شرخا فی التعامل مع هذا القانون فی هذا الخصوص.
و فی هذه الدراسة التی تعالج الثغرات الموجودة فی هذا القانون تثبت ضرورة اصلاح القوانین المرتبطة بعلاقة الطفل بأقاربه.
و الفقرات التی تحتاج لإجراء تعدیلات لازمة علیها هی کما یلی : تغییر نوعیة هذه العلاقة باعتبارها تکلیفا على الوالدین، و توسیع هذه العلاقة لکی تشمل الأقارب بالإضافة الى الوالدین، و ازدیاد نسبة الأعمار التی یدعمها القانون، الأهتمام برغبة الطفل بلقاء الأخرین، و إیجاد سبل للإستشارات التخصصیة الى جانب إجراء الأحکام الصادرة من قبل المحاکم الخاصة بشؤون الأسرة و ذلک لمنع الأثار السلبیة المترتبة على اللقاء الإجباری، و اخیرا تحدیث القوانین و الضمانات الاجرائیة.
کلیدواژهها [العربیة]