The comprehensive Islamic Epistemological system pays particular attention to both individual and social issue with special reference to family affairs as well AS MATTERS WHICH HELP CONSOLIDATION OF FAMILY RELATION. It also challenges issues which destabilize family foundation. The authors tries to make an effort to remove partial attitude and by using systematic approach tries to analyze its detailed objective and introduce the familial subsystem as a coordinated pillar of Islamic system also expressing principle governing moral value of family legal system, its applicability and possibility of its ignorance in case of conflict with other rules within the domain of family. It has to be noted that considering merely the legal perspective in family issue and ignoring its sublime nature may break the family foundation apart. Therefore no power could govern family and restore peace and tranquility, but morale and faith. Reinforcing morale value not only helps strengthening family foundation, but may lead to social health and prosperity. Without a doubt reinforcing morale value does not mean ignoring legal aspect of family issue.